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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Your location: Home > Solution > Body control

                Body control scheme


                  The R & D team of Chuangrui Core has entered the new energy auto industry from 2014. It has rich experience and profound understanding of the industry, and provides a new energy vehicle power system solution. The COREEV18 controller is a pure electric direct drive system, which is suitable for A-class passenger cars. Design package: hardware, software structure, security function and so on.
                Body control

                Why do you stick to car grade devices

                • Design
                  1. High reliability and high security of the device.
                  2. Wide range of environmental adaptability;
                  3. High power density and high efficiency.
                • Quality
                  1. Extremely low adverse rate (PPM);
                  2. To ensure long life;
                  3. Traceability.
                • Cost and delivery
                  1. The cost advantage after large volume;
                  2. Delivery of stability, change management.

                Hardware design

                Power system electrical structure diagram The hardware is divided into three parts

                Software design

                Power system electrical structure diagram Based on the design of electronic control hardware architecture, the software is divided into three parts.
                Power system electrical structure diagram Referring to the AUTOSAR architecture, the software architecture is designed as follows:
                Software architecture design

                Scheme parameters

                • Working system S9

                • Rated power (kW) 18

                • Peak power (kW)36

                • Rated torque (Nm)60

                • Peak torque (Nm)150

                • Rated speed (RPM)2850

                • Maximum speed (RPM)9200

                • Control power supply (V)12

                • Rated capacity (kVA) 20

                • Maximum capacity (kVA)40

                • Rated input voltage (VDC)306

                • System insulation gradeH

                • System cooling modeForced air cooling

                • System protection levelIP67

                Technical advantage

                Technical advantage
                High system efficiency
                a ) The maximum efficiency was 94.5%.
                b?)?The efficient work area (above 85% and efficiency) accounts for more than 80% of the whole operation area.
                High energy density
                a ) Power density 1.67kw/kg
                b ) Torque density 5.5nm/kg
                Strong function
                a ) It can integrate the function of the vehicle controller and save the cost.
                b ) The adjustment and matching of high efficiency zones can be carried out according to the needs of customers.
                c ) Mature system software He Yongci synchronous motor control algorithm to meet vehicle performance and functional safety.
                High reliability
                a ) Small size and small grounding shield wire to achieve IP67, while making the vehicle easier to meet EMC, safety regulations, mechanical shock and vibration standards.
                b ) The integrated Holzer sensor is used to realize high reliability and high precision detection current and torque control.
                c ) A mature system software architecture has been widely verified to ensure the safety and reliability of vehicle functions.
                d ) TI Texas Instrument automobile grade DSP is used to realize the control function of MCU and VCU compatibly, and to realize the drive control and safe driving of automobile with high performance-price ratio.