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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Your location: Home > News > Corporate News

                Marketing Director of Hefei Hangjia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. visited the company

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:1972 Time:2018-08-09 11:45:41
                Today, Hefei Hangjia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. visited our company. The general manager of our company, Liu Gen (General Liu), was responsible for the reception work. During the interview, they had a deeper exchange of cooperation and new The project in the field of energy cooperation was docked. At the same time, General Manager Liu of our company introduced the director of research and development of our company (Jime). Jime gave a detailed introduction to the new technology, product performance and products of new energy DC/DC products. After the application, I took a look at our product exhibition hall under the leadership of General Manager Liu, focusing on the application of instrumentation and central control integrated products and the details of the pre-loading plant system.

                Huntkey was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Shenzhen. It is a member of the International Power Manufacturers Association (PSMA), the vice president of the China Power Industry Association (CPSS), and a member of the China Electric Vehicle Charging Technology and Industry Alliance. It has branch offices in the United States, Japan, and other countries, and has cooperative factories in Brazil, Argentina, and India. Independent design, research and development, manufacturing of switching power supplies, computer chassis, monitors, adapters and other IT peripheral products, mobile phones and other mobile electronic products chargers, travel chargers and other consumer peripheral products, smart sockets, smart small appliances, intelligent LED lighting and other smart home products, Charging pile, new energy vehicle vehicle power supply (charger, DC / DC, etc.).

                With its own technology and manufacturing strength, the company has been serving Lenovo, Huawei, Haier, ZTE, HP, DELL, BESTBUY, OPPO, VIVO, Dajiang, Haikang, Dahua and other companies for many years, and has won unanimous recognition and full support from customers. Trust is a strong supplier in the power industry.

                  At present, it has nearly one million square meters of industrial parks in Shenzhen, Heyuan and Hefei.

                Synergistic symbiosis drives the future