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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                Shenzhen Ruineng Industrial Co., Ltd. Mao Donglai Company visited and inspected

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:1905 Time:2018-08-08 13:50:47

                Recently, Shenzhen Ruineng Industrial Co., Ltd. Mao Dong came to visit our company, and Dacheng Precision Equipment (Zhang Zong) was in the same industry. Liu Gen, the core of Ruixin Electronics, was responsible for the reception work. The three parties jointly discussed the future development direction of new energy vehicles and the future cooperation intentions. After this meeting, we have strengthened the development direction of the current sharp core. It is believed that in the future, new energy must be the main trend in the development of the automotive industry.

                Shenzhen Ruineng Industrial Co., Ltd. (stock code 834674) is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the design and production of battery testing equipment, battery components system and battery automation production line. Based on the environmental protection concept of energy conservation and energy reuse, Ruineng has taken a professional and dedicated spirit to inject new vitality into the battery energy industry.

                Ruineng's main power battery test system, intelligent battery test system, high-power battery test equipment, combined power battery high-voltage and high-current components, including battery pack energy management and supporting charging device, BMS test system, PCB battery protection board Test system, battery pack EOL test system, automated production system.

                The application fields of the products include: vehicle production line, power battery production line, energy storage power station battery test equipment, digital 3C battery production line, BMS production line, PCB battery protection board production line.

                With innovative technology solutions, Ruineng can always provide customers with the most advanced tailor-made battery test equipment and intelligent automated battery production system, bringing customers new competitive advantages and creating greater value. Since its establishment in 2003, Ruineng has owned several invention patents and practical patented technologies in the field of battery testing. With a high-end R&D team and mature customer application experience, Ruineng Technology has always been in the leading position in the industry, and has achieved continuous breakthroughs in the continuous improvement of Ruineng people.

                China has built 200,000 public charging piles for electric vehicles.