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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                China has built 200,000 public charging piles for electric vehicles.

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:1679 Time:2018-08-08 14:22:23

                On December 9, 2017, the “Second China Electric Vehicle Charging and Replacement Service Innovation Summit Forum” was informed that as of the end of October 2017, China had built a total of 195,000 public charging piles, an increase of 82% over the same period last year; private There were 188,000 charging piles, an increase of 214% year-on-year. The problem of “difficult to enter the community” and “access difficult” for residential dedicated charging piles was greatly alleviated.

                “The sales of 150,000 pieces from 4S stores show that the installed proportion of charging piles for vehicle sales and distribution has reached 86.1%, an increase of 9 percentage points compared with last year.” Guo Wei, deputy inspector of the National Energy Administration, said at the forum that other Uninstalled, about 5.7% of the installation conditions without fixed parking spaces; group users do not need to build piles accounted for 3.3%; property does not cooperate with 1.3%; and power access difficulties accounted for 0.5%.

                Guo Wei said that the residential energy district construction demonstration project implemented by the National Energy Administration and the State Grid Corporation has carried out the “one meter and one parking space” power transformation for 582 communities and 9223 parking spaces in key cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. The charging efficiency of the charging pile has been greatly improved.

                Han Jun, deputy chief engineer of State Grid Corporation, said that in addition to power transformation, State Grid Corporation has accumulated more than 50,000 new charging piles covering 150 cities. The smart car network built by its subordinate electric vehicle service company has realized information exchange and business integration with 17 operators such as China Southern Power Grid and special calls, and has also realized information sharing with the national new energy vehicle supervision platform.

                Recently, Smart Car Network 4.0 has been launched. Currently, there are 168,000 charging stations and 17,000 electric vehicles. More than 600,000 registered users.

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