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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                Chairman of Zhejiang Daming Electronics Co., Ltd. visited our company for guidance

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:1899 Time:2018-08-09 11:26:23
                Recently, Mr. Zhou Mingming, Chairman of Zhejiang Daming Electronics Co., Ltd. visited our company for guidance. This time, our company's general manager Liu Gen (Liu Zong) is responsible for the reception work. The two sides plan and application for the OBC 3.3kW 6.6kW product of the vehicle charger. Cooperating with the corresponding discussion, in addition, Chairman Zhou Mingming and our company's technology research and development personnel (software, hardware responsible person) made more in-depth exchanges on the company's products, new products being developed, and major trends in the development of new products in the future. After the meeting, Chairman Zhou Mingming expressed his high recognition for the future development direction of Chuangxin Electronics, which has been focusing on new energy fields (HEV, LEV, OBC, BMS, HAVC and other new energy vehicle front-loading products), and for the subsequent cooperation. The space is more important, and I believe that it will be more harmonious in future cooperation.

                Daming Electronics Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specializing in the production of automotive electrical switch series, automotive air conditioning systems, car audio systems, vehicle power supply series, etc. The company covers an area of 18.8 acres, with total assets of 55.8 million yuan (RMB) and 1,200 employees. At present, it has a number of independent intellectual property rights, established the ISO/TS16949 quality system, and the products have passed the UL certification.

                Existing main products and production capacity: annual output of 5 million sets of switches, 1.5 million sets of air-conditioning panels, and 2 million sets of retractable machine panels. The products are exported to Japan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions and major domestic auto manufacturers. At present, the main customers have :Suzuki from Japan, Doosan from South Korea, Kia from South Korea, SPCO from Iran and Changan Group, SAIC, JAC, BYD, Brilliance Auto, Beiqi, GAC Changfeng, Shenyang Sanpower, Yanfeng Visteon, Air Conditioning International, Great Wall Motor, Jiangling Holdings, Wuhan Shen Long, Geely and other customers completed sales of 360 million yuan (RMB) in 2010 and net profit reached 9.6 million yuan. It was first identified as a credit enterprise by the Wenzhou Municipal People's Government.

                Analysis of Three Standards for Charging Piles
                Warmly welcome Huiruitong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. to visit our company