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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                Analysis of Three Standards for Charging Piles

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:2412 Time:2018-08-09 11:36:05
                "No rules no standards". With the rapid spread of electric vehicles, the number of charging piles is also increasing rapidly. In order to ensure the safety and consistency of the piles during charging, the national and energy bureaus and other units have issued a series of standard regulations and are constantly updated.

                At present, the relevant standards for charging piles are mainly divided into three types: national standards, national grid standards, and energy bureau standards.

                National standard

                The national standards in 2011 are mainly divided into three aspects: general requirements, AC and DC, and chargers and BMS communications, as follows:

                ? GBT 18487.1-2011 Conductive Charging System for Electric Vehicles Part 1: General Requirements;

                ? GBT 20234.1-2011 Connecting devices for conductive charging of electric vehicles Part 1: General requirements;

                ? GBT 27930-2011 Communication protocol between non-vehicle conductive charger and battery for electric vehicles.

                The 2011 standard is based on the 2006 charging pile standard GBT 20234-2006, perfect interface description, unified DC charging protocol, is currently operating charging pile and electric vehicle standards.

                The 2015 national standards are the same as the 2011 standards, and are also specified in the following three aspects: general requirements, AC and DC, and chargers and BMS communications. However, the 2015 standard revised and supplemented the shortcomings of the 2011 standard, mainly to solve the problem of vehicle-pile compatibility and to solve the safety problem in use. Ensure that the charging process is “unique”, allowing each charging post and electric vehicle to be safely and reliably charged.

                At the same time, in order to ensure the consistency of interconnection and avoid the difference of test institutions, the following two national standards will be released:

                GB electric vehicle conduction charging interoperability test specification (has been submitted to the standard committee);

                Communication protocol conformance test between GB electric vehicle non-vehicle conductive charger and battery system (has been submitted to the standard committee).

                Energy bureau standard

                The Energy Bureau standards, also known as industry standards, have the following two main ones:

                ? NBT 33008.1-2013 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Inspection Test Specification Part 1: Non-vehicle Charger;

                ? NBT 33008.2-2013 Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Inspection Test Specification Part 2: AC Charging Piles.

                It mainly stipulates the charging method, communication method, safety protection, battery compatibility and other testing methods and testing requirements of the AC/DC charging pile. It is the authoritative standard for the charging piles that have been put into operation on the market.

                National grid standard

                National grid standards, also known as enterprise standards, mainly have the following two:

                ? “QGDW 1591-2014 Technical Specification for Inspection of Off-Car Charger for Electric Vehicles”;

                ? “QGDW 1592-2014 Technical Specification for AC Charging Pile Inspection of Electric Vehicles”.

                The standard content is similar to the industry standard, but the test requirements are more stringent. In particular, the physical layer and link layer test items are added to the DC link CAN communication compatibility to ensure the robustness of the CAN communication of the national grid charging pile. Acceptance criteria for charging piles when tendering.

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