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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Your location: Home > Service

                Electric drive electronic control E-Drive

                Product Description

                With the in-depth implementation of the 2025 strategy of China Manufacturing, the degree of electrification of passenger cars is getting deeper. Low-speed electric vehicles have detonated market demand. However, the problems caused by barbaric growth are frequent and policy-oriented. The market will eventually return to the mini electric vehicles (A00 class) that meet the technical requirements of pure electric passenger vehicles. The miniature electric vehicle has the characteristics of short body, light weight, small parking area and the like, and has no pollution. It is a suitable tool for home use, and the market demand is strong.

                CORE08E Mini Vehicle Controller (Product Diagram)

                Schematic part of the show

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