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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                Jianghuai Automobile Supply Chain Wang visited our company

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:2006 Time:2018-08-09 14:28:24
                Recently, Jianghuai Automobile Supply Chain Wang visited our company. This time, our general manager Liu Gen (Liu Zong) is responsible for the reception work. The main purpose of Mr. Wang’s visit to our company is to follow up on the cooperation. During the inspection, the two sides made in-depth exchanges on the three core technology modules of battery, motor and electronic control of new energy vehicles and made clear and strict requirements on the quality of these three major products. The explanation of our company, Liu Zong, is based on the idea of persisting in innovation, striving to master key technologies, and winning the future with quality, which is highly recognized by Wang.

                Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Co., Ltd. (Jianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd. or JAC) is a collection of commercial vehicles, passenger cars and powertrains. It is an integrated energy-saving automobile, new energy vehicle and intelligent network. The automobile is a comprehensive automobile enterprise group.

                Since the company entered the research and development field of new energy vehicles in 2002, Jianghuai Automobile's new energy business has covered passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, multi-functional commercial vehicles, passenger cars and other products, and has been at the forefront of the industry.

                At present, Jianghuai Automobile has systematically mastered the three core technologies of battery, motor and electronic control of new energy vehicles and key technologies such as electric steering, electric braking and energy recovery, especially in battery thermal management technology and intrinsic safety management technology. A major breakthrough.

                According to the plan of the new energy vehicle business development strategy (i.EV+ strategy) released by Jianghuai Automobile on July 17, 2015, the total production and sales volume of Jianghuai new energy vehicles will account for more than 30% of the total production and sales of Jianghuai by 2025. Form a new pattern of joint development of energy-saving cars, new energy vehicles, and intelligent network vehicles.

                Manager of the big county control supply chain Wu visited our company
                Mr. Huang, Ningbo Zihua Electric Co., Ltd. visited our company