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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                Manager of the big county control supply chain Wu visited our company

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:1905 Time:2018-08-09 14:30:13
                On May 08, 2018, the manager of the Dajun Control Supply Chain visited our company for a visit and inspection. On the same day, Mr. Liu Gen, the general manager of our company, was responsible for the reception. The two sides conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the Beiqi project and the passenger car project. Beiqi EC180 and EC200 are the exclusive products for the county control. The current supply is relatively stable, and the two sides exchanged ideas on the future delivery risks. It is prepared and prepared, and the passenger car is a new project controlled by Dajun. This year, there is a multiplication plan, and the two sides exchanged preparations for this plan. Manager Wu has expressed his high recognition for the steady development of Chuangxin Electronics in the automotive electronics industry, and believes that it will be more harmonious in future cooperation.

                Founded in 2005, Shanghai Dajun Power Control Technology Co., Ltd. (“Dajun Control”) is a technical company with a strong research and development background. The company is engaged in research, development, manufacturing and sales of new energy automotive motors and its controller technology. It is committed to providing products and services to mainstream automobile manufacturers at home and abroad, and has become the leading technology and scale of the domestic industry by achieving customer value. Manufacturer company. In 2002, the Dajun team led by Dr. Xu Xingyi, an expert in the field of power electronics, took the lead in introducing permanent magnet reluctance motor design technology into the domestic new energy vehicle field. Since 2003, it has undertaken major national electric vehicle-related projects, including 11 national projects such as the 863 electric vehicle major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the new energy automobile industry technology innovation project, and the national key research and development plan. However, in 2016, Dajun Control once again became one of the two national motor controller companies supported by the state in the field of new energy vehicles with the "High Power Density Motor Controller" project. It is a veritable "national team" member.

                Ocean Motor Vehicle Business Group Supplier Conference Held in Nanjing
                Jianghuai Automobile Supply Chain Wang visited our company