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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                The company successfully signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Anhui Hongxin Energy Power Co., Ltd.!

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:2080 Time:2018-08-09 14:42:00

                [Congratulations] Our company successfully signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Anhui Hongxin Energy Power Co., Ltd. yesterday!

                He used to be the general manager of Chery Co., Ltd., and Mr. Lin Weiyi, the current general manager of Zhejiang Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. and Anhui Hongxin Energy Power Co., Ltd., and Mr. Liu Rui, the general manager of our company, exchanged documents and jointly expressed the new energy vehicles. Keep abreast of future trends and overall body performance safety!

                Shenzhen Chuangrui Electronics Co., Ltd. is a supporting service provider in the field of new energy in the automotive industry. We are striving to promote the rapid development of China's new automotive energy industry. 〖Integrated Power Drives the Future〗 Chuang Rui core takes this as its mission, continuously increases R&D investment and deepens cooperation with terminal car manufacturers to consolidate the results of research and development. The signing of this strategic cooperation memorandum marks that we will set a new benchmark in the field of new energy vehicles! (news photo)

                Attachment: Development of Anhui Hongxin Energy Power Co., Ltd.

                The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly listed "promoting green development" as an important part of building a beautiful China. It is required to establish and improve an economic system for green and low-carbon recycling development, build a market-oriented green technology innovation system, develop green finance, and strengthen energy conservation and environmental protection. Industry, clean production industry, clean energy industry.

                New energy battery materials and new energy automobile industry are strategic green emerging industries that are strongly advocated and supported by the state and local governments. Battery, motor and electronic control (hereinafter referred to as “three powers”) are the key to new energy power. technology.

                “The original intention of Hongchuang Power was to promote the integration and innovation of 'Three Powers', to create a bloody road in the field of new energy power, and to take the road of green development.” Anhui Hongxin Energy Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hongchuang Power”) General Manager Sun Yuling said.

                Founded in July 2016, Anhui Hongxin Energy Power Co., Ltd., located in Zhangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, mainly produces “three power” systems for core components of new energy vehicles, as well as smart driving and robot manufacturing. The company's total land area is about 380 acres, and the construction area is about 250,000 square meters. The total investment is expected to be 1.525 billion yuan, of which fixed assets investment is expected to be 1.215 billion yuan, and the initial registered capital of the project is 200 million yuan.

                ◆ 14 minutes to assemble the "three electric" finished products

                Into the company's door, "Hongchuang Power" four light green characters printed on the front of the white wall, eye-catching atmosphere, green and fresh. Entering the power system development laboratory on the right side of the front desk, the five experimental test windows are running at the same time. The mechanical operation sound of “嗡嗡” is poured into the ears from all sides, and the researcher sitting at the window or seeing Shenghuafa sits and records the data, or Seeing the young man standing up stretched his head and held the glasses through the glass to observe the machine running... The wall on the side of the wall was written with the words "Immediately doing ordinary things".

                “The laboratory covers an area of 1350 square meters and can carry out various tests such as calibration, performance test, mechanical vibration, safety and reliability of 'three electric' dynamic and static systems, including high and low temperature, salt spray, temperature and humidity impact, etc. Environmental testing, as a new enterprise's Hongchuang power, the main work in the early stage is to focus on the research and development of new products." Sun Yuling said that the laboratory functions are relatively complete, and can simulate test experiments in various environments and in multiple states. It is essential for product development and finished products.

                Entering the production workshop, the international brand robotic arm on the production line keeps grabbing up and down. The assembly arm of Shanghai is fixed and installed. The production chain in Japan keeps driving. The AGV car on the ground is loaded and loaded back and forth... but a few minutes in a dark The total achievements of the new energy power system are off-line and can be sold and installed.

                "11 processes, completed in 14 minutes, the battery from module to PACK production in one step, can be said to be leading in the country." Hongjun Power Production Minister Chen Jun said, "General new energy companies will only engage in One of the 'three powers' production, and this PACK production line to complement each other, the advantages of the major production lines, while improving, upgrading, shortening multiple processes, greatly improving efficiency, currently three similar production workshops can meet Different enterprises, different types of production and assembly needs, and we are also the only company in Zhangzhou and even the eastern region to collect and develop 'Sandian'."

                ◆ Create a high-level research and development team

                With the introduction of a series of national policies to accelerate the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries, some energy-saving and environmental protection, new energy power, high-end equipment manufacturing and other enterprises have been pushed forward, and their market prospects and space are also growing.

                Based on a high starting point, we can better adapt to future development requirements. At the beginning of the establishment, the Hongchuang Power team will be “committed to promoting the development of green new energy industry and becoming the leader of industry innovation” as the corporate goal. The entrepreneurial team is also a high-level talent with high theoretical level, rich practical experience and practical work. Many have more than 10 years of experience in R&D and production of core components for new energy vehicles, or have successfully developed many new energy key components. The core backbone technology of many teams is mainly in the fields of motor and control technology, battery integration and management technology, electric air conditioning and heat pump technology, and vehicle intelligent interconnection technology.

                “In the team, doctoral degree accounts for 20%, master's degree accounts for 30%, and middle- and high-ranking titles account for 50%.” Sun Yuling proudly said: “Many members of the team have been in state-owned, large and medium-sized new energy companies. As a R&D and development work, everyone came together with the dream of innovation and entrepreneurship."

                At the same time, Hongchuang Power relied on well-known institutions and research institutes such as Tsinghua University, Hefei University of Technology, and the Yangtze River Delta Research Institute to hire famous scholars such as Fang Yunzhou, Ouyang Minggao and Zhao Han as consultants and with Japan. Toray International, Japan's Shin-Etsu, and new energy companies in Sweden and Germany have long-term exchanges and cooperation.

                ◆ 20,000 sets of "three electric" products can be produced daily

                When talking about why he chose Zhangzhou and settled in the Economic Development Zone, Sun Yuling said that in addition to considering factors such as location, policy, and leadership, the key points are the advantages of industrial clustering. Here, Yangzi Bus, Jiaan Automobile, Changjiu Logistics, and Cheetah Automobile were settled. And 12 upstream and downstream enterprises such as Jiayuan Automobile have been or are in contact with each other to carry out related business. “With more than one year of construction, the leaders of the provinces, municipalities, and districts (the Economic Development Zone) have visited the factory many times to help solve a large number of difficult problems. Only the municipal party committee secretary and mayor Zhang Xiang’an has visited us three times to help us and the local Relevant new energy main engine factories match and conduct business."

                September 29 this year is a memorable moment for Hongchuang Power. After more than one year of infrastructure construction, research and development, equipment commissioning and assembly, the first batch of motor, electric control and battery products have been successfully launched, becoming the first batch of research and development products of Hongchuang Power. "At that time, many people were surrounded by the production line of the workshop. Everyone was very excited." Sun Yuling recalled that it was like a child. After "Teen October," she finally became familiar with the new hope of Hongchuang Power.

                Independent research and development is the core competitiveness and the key to actively adapting to the market. Hongchuang Power has applied for 11 patents. In addition, a number of patents are pending. Four products have been or are being certified by third-party testing organizations. They have three mature production lines and can produce 20,000 sets of various products at full load. group. Currently, orders have been accepted in small quantities.

                Sun Yuling said that green development is the main theme of future world development. Hongchuang Power will follow the trend of green energy development, make a fuss about new energy, actively take the market as the leading factor, continue to innovate and explore continuously, increase product research and development, and expand product sales. In order to seek greater development, we will strive to stand at the forefront of international and domestic “three powers” integration technologies.

                ——November 24, 2017 “Zhangzhou Daily”

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