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                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

                Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd.

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                Warmly welcome Huiruitong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. to visit our company

                Source: Shenzhen Core Electronics Co., Ltd. Popularity:1648 Time:2018-08-09 11:21:50
                On March 1st, Xiao Ming, the general manager of Huiruitong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., visited our company. Liu Gen, general manager of Chuangxin, warmly received the guests. During the inspection, Liu Gen, general manager of Chuangxin, gave a detailed introduction to the development direction of the company in the new year. The two sides discussed the future development and cooperation. I believe that in the new year, the cooperation between the two sides will be more harmonious.

                Huiruitong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production, sales and service. The company is a comprehensive operator focusing on cloud intercom, digital intercom, smart home and O2O operation platform. The company adheres to the business-oriented business philosophy. Since its establishment in 2001, the company has won many honors and many patents in the industry. At present, Huiruitong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is in the leading position in the field of smart home and security.

                Chairman of Zhejiang Daming Electronics Co., Ltd. visited our company for guidance
                China has built 200,000 public charging piles for electric vehicles.